We use data from a large-scale field experiment to explore what influences the effectiveness of online advertising. We find that matching an ad to website content and increasing an ad's obtrusiveness independently increase purchase intent. However, in combination, these two strategies are ineffective. Ads that match both website content and are obtrusive do worse at increasing purchase intent than ads that do only one or the other. This failure appears to be related to privacy concerns: the negative effect of combining targeting with obtrusiveness is strongest for people who refuse to give their income and for categories where privacy matters most. Our results suggest a possible explanation for the growing bifurcation in Internet advertising between highly targeted plain text ads and more visually striking but less targeted ads.

: Privacy-sensitivity is associated with stronger substitution between contextual targeting and high visibility Dependent Variable: Respondent very likely to purchase

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Online Display Advertising:

Targeting and Obtrusiveness

Avi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker*

February 2010


We use data from a large-scale field experiment to explore what influences the

effectiveness of online advertising. We find that matching an ad to website content

and increasing an ad's obtrusiveness independently increase purchase intent.

However, in combination these two strategies are ineffective. Ads that match both

website content and are obtrusive do worse at increasing purchase intent than ads

that do only one or the other. This failure appears to be related to privacy concerns:

The negative effect of combining targeting with obtrusiveness is strongest for people

who refuse to give their income, and for categories where privacy matters most. Our

results suggest a possible explanation for the growing bifurcation in internet

advertising between highly targeted plain text ads and more visually striking but less

targeted ads.

Keywords: E-commerce, Privacy, Advertising, Targeting

*Avi Goldfarb is Associate Professor of Marketing, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 105 St

George St., Toronto, ON. Tel. 416-946-8604. Email: agoldfarb@rotman.utoronto.ca . Catherine Tucker is Assistant

Professor of Marketing, MIT Sloan School of Business, 1 Amherst St., E40-167, Cambridge, MA. Tel. 617-252-

1499. Email: cetucker@mit.edu . We thank Pankaj Aggarwal and seminar participants at UT-Dallas for helpful

comments. Financial support from the Google and WPP Marketing Research Awards Program is gratefully



1. Introduction

Customers actively avoid looking at online banner ads (Dreze and Hussherr 2003).

Response rates to banner ads have fallen dramatically over time (Hollis 2005). In reaction to this,

online advertising on websites has developed along two strikingly distinct paths.

On the one hand, the $11.2 billion1 online display advertising market has evolved beyond

traditional banner ads to include many visual and audio features that make ads more obtrusive

and harder to ignore. On the other hand, Google has developed a highly profitable non-search

display advertising division (called AdSense) that generates an estimated $6 billion in revenues

by displaying plain content-targeted text ads: 76% of US internet users are estimated to have

been exposed to AdSense ads.2 This paper explores how well these divergent strategies work for

online advertising, and how consumer perceptions of intrusiveness and privacy influence their

success or lack of it, both independently and in combination.

We examine the effectiveness of these strategies using data from a large randomized field

experiment on 2,892 distinct web advertising campaigns that were placed on different websites.

On average, we have data on 852 survey-takers for each campaign. Of these, half were randomly

exposed to the ad, and half were not exposed to the ad but did visit the website on which the ad

appeared. These campaigns advertised a large variety of distinct products, and were run on many

different websites.

The advertisers in our data used two core improvements on standard banner ad campaigns

to attract their audience. (1) Some web campaigns matched the product they advertised to the

website content, for example when auto manufacturers placed their ads on auto websites. (2)

1 Hallerman (2009).

2 Estimates generated from Google quarterly earnings report for June 30, 2009 "Form 10-Q", filed with the

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Some web campaigns deliberately tried to make their ad stand out from the content by using

video, creating a pop-up, or having the ad take over the webpage. This paper evaluates whether

"targeted" campaigns that complemented the website content, "obtrusive" campaigns that strove

to be highly visible relative to the website content, or campaigns that did both, were most

successful at influencing stated purchase intent, measured as the difference between the group

that was exposed to the ad and the group that was not.

We construct and estimate a reduced-form model of an ad effectiveness function.

Consistent with prior literature (e.g. Goldfarb and Tucker 2009; Wilbur, Goeree, and Ridder

2009), our results suggest that matching an ad's content to the website content increased stated

purchase intent among exposed consumers. Also consistent with prior literature (e.g. Cole,

Spalding, and Fayer 2009), our results suggest that increasing the obtrusiveness of the ad

increased purchase intent. Surprisingly, however, we find that these two ways of improving

online display advertising performance negate each other: Combining them nullifies the positive

effect that each strategy has independently. These results are robust to multiple specifications,

including one that addresses the potential endogeneity of campaign format by restricting our

analysis to campaigns that were run both on sites that matched the product and sites that did not.

These results have important economic implications for the $664 million that we estimate

is currently spent on ads that are both targeted and obtrusive. If advertisers replace ads that

combine contextual targeting and high visibility with the standard ads that our estimates suggest

are equally effective, we provide back-of-the-envelope calculations that suggest advertisers

could cut ad spending by over 5% without affecting ad performance.

It is not obvious why increasing visibility and increasing the match to content should

work well separately but not together. It does not appear to be explained by differences in ad


recall. Consistent with several laboratory experiments in other settings (Mandler 1982; Heckler

and Childers 1992), we find that contextually-targeted ads are recalled less, while highly visible

ads are recalled more. However, we find that highly visible ads are not recalled significantly less

if they are matched to the context. This suggests that the negation mechanism is explained by a

difference in how successful the ad is at influencing customer behavior after customers see it,

rather than because of differences in ad recall.

The literature on consumer response to persuasion attempts provides an alternative

explanation: Obtrusive ads may lead consumers to infer that the advertiser is trying to manipulate

them, reducing purchase intentions (Campbell 1995). Specifically, increased processing attention

may lead the consumer to think about why a particular advertising tactic was used (Campbell

1995; Friestad and Wright 1994). If the tactic is perceived as manipulative, it will have a

negative effect on consumer perceptions of the product advertised. Given that deception is

particularly easy online, consumer awareness of manipulation is higher too (Boush, Friestad, and

Wright 2009). This suggests that targeted and obtrusive banner ads, by increasing the attention

paid to the tactic of targeting, may generate consumer perceptions of manipulation. Therefore,

while there is a relatively high consumer tolerance to targeted ads because the information is

perceived as useful (e.g. Cho and Cheon 2003; Edwards, Li, and Less 2002; Wang, Chen, and

Chang 2008), this tolerance may be overwhelmed by perceptions of manipulation when the ad is


Why might the negative consequences of perceived manipulation from using techniques

to make ads obtrusive be higher if they are targeted? Privacy concerns provide a possible answer.

Both Turow et al. (2009) and Wathieu and Friedman (2009) document that customer

appreciation of the informativeness of targeted ads is tempered by privacy concerns. When


privacy concerns are more salient, consumers are more likely to have a prevention focus (Van

Noort, Kerkhof, and Fennis 2008), in which they are more sensitive to the absence or presence of

negative outcomes, instead of a promotion focus in which they are more sensitive to the absence

or presence of positive outcomes. Kirmani and Zhu (2007) show that prevention focus is

associated with increased sensitivity to manipulative intent, suggesting a likely avenue for the

relationship between targeted ads, privacy concerns, and perceived manipulative intent that

arises from making ads more obtrusive.

We explore empirically whether it is privacy concerns that drive the negative effect we

observe of combining targeting and obtrusiveness. We find evidence that supports this view:

Contextual targeting and high visibility (obtrusiveness) are much stronger substitutes for people

who refused to answer a potentially intrusive question on income. They are also stronger

substitutes in categories in which privacy might be seen as relatively important (such as financial

and health products).

In addition to our major finding that obtrusiveness and targeting do not work well in

combination, and the link this has with consumer perceptions of privacy, we make several other

contributions that help illuminate online advertising. Our examination of many campaigns across

many industries complements the single-firm approach of the existing quantitative literature on

online advertising effectiveness. For example, Manchanda et al. (2006) use data from a

healthcare and beauty product internet-only firm in their examination of how banner ad

exposures affect sales. Similarly, Lewis and Reiley (2009), Rutz and Bucklin (2009), Chatterjee,

Hoffman, and Novak (2003), and Ghose and Yang (2009) all examine campaigns run by just one

firm. Those studies have given us a much deeper understanding of the relationship between

online advertising and purchasing, but their focus on particular firms and campaigns makes it


difficult to draw general conclusions about online advertising. In contrast, our research gives a

sense of the average effectiveness of online advertising—it boosts stated purchase intent by 3-

4%—and our research suggests that at current advertising prices, plain banner ads pay off if an

increase in purchase intent by one consumer is worth roughly 42 cents to the advertiser. Our

results also emphasize that there is a role for cross-category and campaign advertising studies

because they allow us to examine factors that vary across campaigns like campaign visibility and

category characteristics.

The trade-off between perceived intrusiveness and usefulness may help explain the

unexpected success of products such as Google's AdSense, which generates roughly one third of

Google's advertising revenues (the other two thirds coming directly from search advertising).

AdSense allows advertisers to place very plain-looking ads—they are identical in appearance to

Google's search ads—on websites with closely matched content. Our findings suggest that

making these ads more visually striking could be counterproductive, or at least waste advertising

budget. More generally, the results suggest two alternative, viable routes to online display

advertising success: Putting resources into increasing the visibility of ads, and putting resources

into the targeting of ads to context, but not doing both.

2. Data on Display Advertising

We use data from a large database of surveys collected by a media measurement agency

to examine the effectiveness of different ad campaigns. These surveys are based on a randomized

exposed and control allocation. Individuals browsing the website where the campaign is running

are either exposed to the ads, or not, based on the randomized operation of the ad server. On

average 198 subjects are recruited for each website running a particular campaign with an


average of 852 subjects being recruited across all websites for each ad campaign. The average

campaign lasted 55 days (median 49 days).

We excluded ad campaigns run on websites that were described as "other" because it was

not possible to identify whether there was a contextual match. We also excluded ads for alcohol

because there were no contextually targeted alcohol ads in the data. Finally, we excluded ads for

prescription drugs because FTC regulations (which require reporting of side-effects) restrict their


Both exposed and non-exposed (control) respondents are recruited via an online survey

invitation that appears after they have finished browsing the website. Therefore, our coefficients

reflect the stated preferences of consumers who are willing to answer an online poll. The

company that makes these data available has done multiple checks to confirm the general

representativeness of this survey among consumers. In section 4.4, we find that the main

negative interaction effect that we study is larger for people who refuse to answer an (intrusive)

question on income, so it is even possible that the selection in our subject pool away from those

who prefer not to answer surveys leads us to understate the magnitude of this negative


Because of the random nature of the advertising allocation, both exposed and control

groups have similar unobservable characteristics, such as the same likelihood of seeing offline

ads. The only variable of difference between the two groups is the randomized presence of the ad

campaign being measured. This means that differences in consumer preferences toward the

advertiser's product can be attributed to the online campaign.

This online questionnaire asked the extent to which a respondent was likely to purchase a

variety of products (including the one studied) or had a favorable opinion of the product using a


five-point scale. The data also contained information about whether the respondent recalled

seeing the ad. After collecting all other information at the end of the surv ey, the survey displayed

the ad, alongside some decoy ads for other products, and the respondents were asked whether

they recalled seeing any of the ads. If they responded that they had seen the focal ad, then we

code this variable as one and as zero otherwise.

An important strength of this data set is that it contains a large number of campaigns

across a variety of categories, including automotive, apparel, consumer packaged goods, energy,

entertainment, financial services, home improvement, retail, technology, telecommunications,

travel, and many others. Therefore, like Clark, Doraszelski, and Draganska's (2009) study of

offline advertising, we can draw very general conclusions about online display advertising. Our

data have the further advantage of allowing us to explore ad recall and purchase intent


The survey also asked respondents about their income, age, and the number of hours

spent on the internet. We use these as controls in our regressions. We converted them to zero-

mean-standardized measures. This allowed us to "zero out" missing data.3 In Table 3, we show

robustness to a non-parametric specification for the missing data by discretizing the variables

with missing information. We also show robustness to excluding the controls.

In addition to data from this questionnaire for each website user, our data set also

documents the characteristics of the website where the advertisement appeared and the

characteristics of the advertisement itself. We used this data to define both whether the ad was

"Contextually Targeted" and whether it was obtrusive or "High Visibility."

3 Data are missing for two reasons: sometimes that question was not asked, and sometimes respondents refused to

answer. We have no income information for 28% of respondents; no age information for 2% of respondents; and no

hours online information for 34% of respondents.


2.1 Defining Contextually-Targeted Advertising

To define whether a product matched the website that displayed it, we matched up the

364 narrow categories of products, with the 37 categories of websites described in the data.4 A

banner ad for a cruise would be a "Contextually-Targeted Ad" if it was displayed on a website

devoted to "Travel and Leisure". Similarly, a banner ad for a new computer would be a

"Contextually-Targeted Ad" if it was displayed on a site devoted to "Computing and

Technology". As indicated in Table 1a, 10 percent of campaigns were run on sites where the

product and website content matched.

2.2 Defining High Visibility (Obtrusive) Advertising

We define an ad as high-visibility if it has one of the following characteristics:

Pop-Up: The ad appears in a new window above the existing window.

Pop-Under: The ad appears in a new window that lies underneat h the existing window

In-stream Video and Audio: The ad is part of a video stream.

Takeover: The ad briefly usurps the on-screen space a webpage has devoted to its


Non-User-Initiated Video and Audio: The ad automatically plays video and audio.

Interstitial: The ad is displayed before the intended destination page loads.

Non-User-Initiated Background Music: The ad automatically plays background music.

Full Page Banner Ad: The ad occupies the space of a typical computer screen.

Interactive: The ad requests two-way communication with its user.

4 Our data have detailed information about the categories but, to protect client privacy, the firm that gave us access

to the data did not give us information on which specific advertisers sponsored particular campaigns and which

specific websites displayed the campaigns.


Floating Ad: The ad is not user-initiated, is superimposed over a user-requested page, and

disappears or becomes unobtrusive after a specific time period (typically 5-30 seconds).

As indicated in Table 1a, 48 percent of campaigns used high-visibility ads. Of these ads, the

largest sub-group was interactive ads, which comprised 17 percent of all ads. Pop-Under ads

were the least common, representing less than 0.1 percent of all ads. In Table 3, we check the

robustness of our results to our definition of high visibility.

Table 1a: Summary Statistics at the respondent level

Mean Std Dev Min Max Observations

Likely to purchase 0.20 0.40 0 1 2464812 +

Saw Ad 0.26 0.44 0 1 2481592 +

Exposed (Treatment) 0.34 ++ 0.47 0 1 2802333

Context Ad 0.10 0.30 0 1 2802333

High Visibility Ad 0.49 0.50 0 1 2802333

Female 0.53 9.49 0 1 2802333

Income 62,760 55,248 15,000 250,000 2019996

Age 40.9 15.6 10 100 2744149

Internet Hours 13.4 10.2 1 31 1853893

+A small fraction of respondents answered two out of the three questions on the measures we use as dependent variables.

Therefore, the sample size varies slightly across variables.

++In our main specifications, we exclude observations where the random operation of the ad server meant that the respondent had

been exposed to the ad multiple times. If we include these observations, the proportion of exposed to non-exposed is close to 50

percent. We confirm robustness to these excluded observations in Table 3.


Table 1b: Summary Statistics at the survey-site level

Variable Mean Std

Dev Min Max Observations

# of Subjects 198 275.1 8 8456 13121

Context Ad 0.13 0.34 0 1 13121

High Visibility Ad 0.50 0.50 0 1 13121

Difference in Purchase Intent between exposed & control 0.0083 0.15 -1 1 10468

Difference in Favorable Opinion between exposed & control 0.0100 0.16 -1 1 10362

Difference in intent-scale between exposed & control 0.040 0.54 -4 4 10468

Difference in opinion-scale between exposed & control 0.036 0.41 -3.67 4 10362

Difference in Ad Recall between exposed & control 0.046 0.18 -1 1 10750

Campaign increased Purchase Intent 0.60 0.49 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Favorable Intent 0.61 0.49 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Intent-Scale 0.64 0.48 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Opinion-Scale 0.65 0.48 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Ad Recall 0.70 0.46 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Ad Recall but not Purchase Intent 0.23 0.42 0 1 13121

Campaign increased Purchase Intent but not Ad Recall 0.13 0.11 0 1 13121

Table 1b presents some summary statistics at the level of the survey-site. Two things are

immediately apparent. First, in general the effect of exposure to a banner ad is small. On average,

exposure shifts the proportion of people stating they are very likely to make a purchase by less

than 1%. Ad exposure increases the number of people who can actually recall seeing the ad by

only 5%. Only 60% of campaigns generated an improvement in purchase intent, while 70%

increased ad recall. 23% of campaigns generate ad recall but do not increase stated purchase

intent, and 13% of campaigns are associated with an increase in purchase intent but not ad recall.

Perhaps this lack of impact is unsurprising given that we are assessing whether seeing a banner

ad once changes intended behavior. What really matters is whether this small change in intended

behavior is worth the price paid (0.2 cents per view according to Khan 2009).


3. Methods

Our estimation strategy builds an effectiveness function for the individual ads. We focus

on two aspects of online advertising: visibility and contextual targeting.5 Specifically, assume the

effectiveness of a campaign c (defined as a particular advertisement shown on a particular

website) to individual j is:

For estimation, we convert this effectiveness function for viewer j into a linear model of

visibility and targeting which allows for some idiosyncratic features of the advertisement-

website pair ( ) and some idiosyncratic characteristics of the viewer ( . As in any research

which estimates a response function, there is a concern here that viewer characteristics may be

systematically correlated with the propensity to view contextually-targeted or highly visible ads

(see Levinsohn and Petrin 2003 for a discussion in the context of production functions). The

randomized nature of our data means that we can address this by measuring the difference

between the exposed group and a control group of respondents who did not see the ad.

Substituting our measure of effectiveness (purchase intent) and adding a control for potential

demographic differences between the treatment and control groups, we estimate the effect of

being exposed to the ad using the following difference-in-difference equation:

5 Of course, there are many features of the ad, the viewer, and the website that may influence advertising

effectiveness but are not the primary focus on this study. Our analysis controls for these through the randomization

of the exposed condition, the campaign-specific fixed effects, and the viewer characteristics.


Where represents a vector of demographic controls (specifically, an indicator variable

for whether the respondent is female and mean-standardized measures for age, income, and time

spent online), represents the campaign (advertisement-website) fixed effects that control for

any differences in purchase intent across products and websites, and is an idiosyncratic error

term. The fixed effects capture the main effects (i.e. those that affect both the exposed and

control groups) of context, visibility, and the interaction between context and visibility as well as

heterogeneity in the response to different campaigns. Whether context and visibility are

substitutes or complements is captured by the coefficient . This equation can be interpreted as a

reduced-form effectiveness function for advertising, in which the advertising produces purchase

intent (our proxy for effectiveness).

In the main specifications in this paper, we use as our main dependent variable

(" ") whether the survey-taker reported the highest score on the scale ("Very Likely to

Make a Purchase"). As reported in our summary statistics (Table 1a), on average one-fifth of

respondents responded with an answer at the top of the scale. We discretize in this manner to

avoid generating means from an ordinal scale (e.g. Malhotra 2007; Aaker, Kumar, and Day

2004). Nevertheless, we recognize that whether such scales should be treated as continuous is a

gray area in marketing practice (discussed by, e.g., Fink 2009, p. 26). Bentler and Chou (1987),

while acknowledging that such scales are ordinal, argue that it is common practice to treat them

as continuous variables because it makes little practical difference. Johnson and Creech (1983)

come to a similar conclusion. In addition, many researchers argue that properly-designed scales


are in fact interval scales not ordinal scales (see Kline 2005 for a discussion). Some recent

empirical research in marketing (e.g. Godes and Mayzlin 2009) has followed this interpretation

and has treated ratings scales as interval scales. For these reasons, we have replicated all of our

results in the appendix, treating the dependent variable as a continuous measure based on the

full-scale responses. We show that this makes no practical difference.

Another issue from using purchase intention as our dependent variable is that it is a

weaker measure of advertising success than purchasing or profitability (as used by Lewis and

Reiley 2009 and others), because many users may claim that they intend to purchase but never

do so. For our purposes, as long as people reporting higher purchase intent are actually more

likely to purchase (and the treatment group is truly random), our conclusions about the

directionality of the relationship between contextual targeting, high visibility, and effectiveness

will hold. This positive correlation has been well established in work such as Bemmaor (1995),

and in particular has been found to be higher for product-specific surveys such as the ones

conducted in our data than for category-level studies (Morwitz, Steckel, and Gupta 2007).

However, we do not know whether the relative size or relative significance of the results changes

for actual purchase behavior.

Our estimation procedure is straightforward because of the randomized nature of the data

collection. We have an experiment-like setting, with a treatment group who were exposed to the

ads and a control group who were not. We compare these groups' purchase intent, and explore

whether the difference between the exposed and control groups is related to the visibility of an ad

and whether the ad's content matches the website content. We then explore how purchase intent

relates to ads that are both highly visible and targeted to the content. Our core regressions are run

using Stata's commands for linear regression with panel data. To adjust for intra-website and


campaign correlation between respondents, heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors are

clustered at the website-campaign level using Stata's "cluster" function. Generally, our method

follows the framework for causal econometric analysis provided in Angrist and Pischke (2009).

We report our main results using a linear probability model where the coefficients are

calculated using ordinary least squares, though we show robustne ss to a logit formulation. We

primarily use a linear probability model because it makes it feasible to estimate a model with

over ten thousand campaign-website fixed effects using the full data set of nearly 2.5 million

observations, whereas computational limitations prevent us from estimating a logit model with

the full data. The large number of observations in our data means that inefficiency—a potential

weakness of the linear probability model relative to probit and logit—is not a major concern in

our setting. Angrist and Pischke (2009) point out that this increased computational efficiency

comes at little practical cost. They show that in several empirical applications, there is little

difference between the marginal effects estimated with limited dependent variables models and

linear probability models.

One major concern about using the linear probability model, which is the potential for

biased estimates and predicted probabilities outside the range of 0 and 1 (see Horrace and

Oaxaca 2006 for a discussion), is less likely in our setting because the mass point of dependent

variable is far from 0 or 1 and because our covariates are almost all binary variables. Indeed, all

predicted probabilities in our model for purchase intent lie between 0.137 and 0.256. Combined

with its computational advantages, this suggests that the benefits of using a linear probability

model as our primary estimation technique outweigh the costs.


4. Results

4.1 The effect of combining highly visible and contextually-targeted ads

Column (1) of Table 2 reports our key results, where we include an interaction between

contextual targeting and high visibility. The main effect of exposure and the additional effects of

contextual targeting and high visibility of ads are all positive. Contextual targeting seems to have

a slightly larger marginal effect than high visibility. The crucial result is the interaction term

between exposure, contextual targeting, and high visibility. It is negative and significant. This

suggests that firm investments in contextual targeting and highly visible ads are substitutes. A

Wald test suggests that high-visibility ads on contextually-targeted sites perform worse than ads

that are not highly visible (p-value=0.001, F-stat 10.83). The respondent-level controls indicate

that younger, female respondents who have lower incomes and spend more time on the internet

are more likely to say they will buy the product.

In columns (2)-(4) we present some evidence that reflects what a manager would

conclude if they evaluated the incremental benefit of targeting or using high visibility ads

independently. Column (2) reports results that allow the effect of exposure to be moderated by

whether or not the website matched the product. We find a positive moderating effect of

contextual targeting. That is, for campaigns where the website matches the product, there is an

incremental positive effect from exposure that represents a 70% increase from the base positive

effect of exposure. However, it is noticeable that without the controls for visibility that we

included in column (1), we measure the effect of contextual targeting less precisely. Column (3)

reports results that allow the effect of exposure to be moderated by whether the ad was high-

visibility or not. We find a positive moderating effect of visibility on likelihood of purchase.

Having a high-visibility ad almost doubles the effect of exposure on the proportion of

respondents who report themselves very likely to purchase. Column (4) measures the mean effect


of exposure. The coefficient suggests that exposure to a single ad, relative to a mean of 0.20,

increases purchase intent by 3.6%. This gives us a baseline that reflects the typical metric that

advertisers use when evaluating the success of a campaign (or lack of it), which we use in our

calculations of the economic importance of our results.


Table 2: Influence of High Visibility and Contextual Targeting on Purchase Intent

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(Std. Error) p-value Coefficient

(Std. Error) p-value Coefficient

(Std. Error) p-value Coefficient

(Std. Error) p-value

Exposed 0.00473 ***

(0.00110) 0.000 0.00565 ***

(0.00104) 0.000 0.00705 ***

(0.000814) 0.000 0.00745 ***

(0.000759) 0.000

Exposed × Context Ad 0.00941 ***

(0.00292) 0.001

0.00384 *

(0.00215) 0.073

Exposed × High Visibility Ad 0.00547 ***

(0.00161) 0.001 0.00421 ***

(0.00150) 0.005

Exposed × Context Ad ×

High Visibility Ad -0.0124 ***

(0.00428) 0.004

Female 0.0116 ***

(0.00119) 0.000 0.0116 ***

(0.00119) 0.000 0.0116 ***

(0.00119) 0.000 0.0116 ***

(0.00119) 0.000

Hours on Internet (standardized) 0.0113 ***

(0.000344) 0.000 0.0113***

(0.000344) 0.000 0.0113 ***

(0.000344) 0.000 0.0113 ***

(0.000344) 0.000

Income (Standardized) -0.00194 ***

(0.000406) 0.000 -0.00194***

(0.000406) 0.000 -0.00194 ***

(0.000407) 0.000 -0.00194 ***

(0.000407) 0.000

Age (Standardized) -0.00957 ***

(0.000568) 0.000 -0.00957***

(0.000569) 0.000 -0.00957 ***

(0.000569) 0.000 -0.00957 ***

(0.000569) 0.000

Observations 2464812 2464812 2464812 2464812

Log-Likelihood -1062349 -1062357 -1062361 -1062363

Variance captured by Fixed Effects 0.139 0.139 0.139 0.139

R-Squared 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.141

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01


The fit of these regressions (measured by R-squared) is 0.141, with little difference across

the four specifications. Given heterogeneous tastes for the products being advertised, we do not

view the overall level of fit as surprising. Furthermore, most of this is explained by the fixed

effects, with just 0.002 explained by our covariates for ad exposure and type. Again, we do not

view it as surprising that seeing a banner ad once explai ns only a small fraction of the variance in

purchase intent for the product. If it explained much more, we would expect the price of such

advertisements to be much larger than 0.2 cents per view. Nevertheless, as we detail in section

4.3 below, our estimates still have important economic implications for the online advertising

industry. It is not overall fit at the individual level that matters, but the marginal benefit relative

to the marginal cost.

4.2 Robustness Checks

We checked the robustness of the negative interaction effect that we find in column (4) of

Table 2 to many alternative specifications. Table 3 displays the results. Column (1) shows a logit

specification to check that our linear probability specification had not influenced the results.

Limitations of computing power meant that we had to take a 5% sample of the original data in

order to be able to estimate a logit specification with the full set of fixed effects. Even with this

smaller sample, the results are similar in relative size and magnitude.

One issue of a logit probability model compared to a linear probability model is that the

interpretation of interaction terms in logit and probit models is not straightforward (Ai and

Norton 2003), as they are a cross-derivative of the expected value of the dependent variable.

Specifically, for any nonlinear model where

, Ai and Norton point out that the


interaction effect is the cross-derivative of the expected value of y:

. The sign of this marginal effect is

not necessarily the same as the sign of the coefficient . We therefore used the appropriate

formula for three-way interactions to calculate the marginal effect in this setting. The marginal

effects at the means of the estimation sample were 0.008 (p-value=0.312) for Exposed × Context

Ad; 0.010 (p-value=0.015) for Exposed × High Visibility Ad; and -0.037 (p-value=0.024) for

Exposed × Context Ad × High Visibility Ad. These estimates for our key interaction and the

effect of visibility were therefore larger than those reported in Table 1, though the coefficient

estimate for contextual targeting is no longer significant. This robustness check strongly supports

our core finding that contextually targeted ads that are highly visible are less effective than ads

that are either contextually targeted or highly visible but not both.

We also use the logit results to conduct an out-of-sample prediction on the remaining

95% of the data. Our model correctly predicts 61.4% of successful campaigns (defined as ad

campaigns on a specific website where the average purchase intent for the treatment group is

higher than the control group). This is significantly better than the 52% of successful campaigns

that we would predict by chance using random assignment.6

In column (2), we use the full (1 to 5) scale of the dependent variable rather than

discretizing it. Our results are robust. In the appendix, we show robustness of all results to this

specification. In column (3), we show that our results do not change if we exclude demographic

controls for gender, age, income, and internet usage. This provides supporting evidence that the

experiment randomized the treatment between such groups and that unobserved heterogeneity

6 Since about 60% of campaigns are successful, the hit rate under random assignment is 52%, i.e., (40% x 40%) + (60% x 60%.)


between control and exposed groups does not drive our results. Column (4) shows robustness to

a non-parametric specification for the gender, age, income, and internet usage controls, where we

include a different fixed effect for different values for age, income, and internet usage. This also

allows us to include fixed effects for missing values or intentionally non-reported values of these


In column (5), we see whether our results are echoed in another measure of ad

effectiveness: Whether or not the respondent expressed a favorable opinion of the product. The

results in column (5) are similar to those previously reported, though the point estimate for the

effect of a contextually-targeted ad is slightly smaller. This may be becau se contextually-targeted

advertising is more successful at influencing intended actions than at influencing opinions (Rutz

and Bucklin 2009). In column (6), we show that our results are robust to our definition of ad

visibility. One concern with including pop-up ads is the development of pop-up blockers as a

feature of internet browsers. This could influence our results, for example, if people who

browsed sites with specific content were more likely to have pop-up blockers. However, the

results in column (6) show the same pattern as before, even when we exclude such ads.

In Table 3 in column (7), we report results for all respondents, including those who due to

the randomized nature of the ad server saw the ad more than once. We excluded these 730,000

respondents from the data we use to report our main specifications in order to simplify

interpretation of what 'exposed' means in our setting. The results are similar to before, though

the effect of baseline exposure is slightly higher.

Table 3: Robustness Checks

Dependent Variable: Respondent very likely to purchase

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Logit+ Use full


treat rating

scale as


No Controls Non-




Opinion No Pop-Ups Multiply

Treated Only ads that

appear on both

matched and


context websites

Exposed 0.0788***

(0.0268) 0.0220 ***

(0.00512) 0.00492 ***

(0.00107) 0.00513 ***

(0.00112) 0.00573 ***

(0.00103) 0.00479 ***

(0.00110) 0.00582 ***

(0.000983) 0.00451 ***


Exposed × Context 0.177**

(0.0863) 0.0455 ***

(0.0109) 0.00931 ***

(0.00290) 0.00948 ***

(0.00293) 0.00623 **

(0.00302) 0.00921 ***

(0.00290) 0.0106***

(0.00282) 0.0102 ***


Exposed × High Visibility 0.0861**

(0.0401) 0.0263 ***

(0.00679) 0.00566 ***

(0.00159) 0.00534 ***

(0.00161) 0.00579 ***

(0.00160) 0.00536 ***

(0.00161) 0.00514 ***

(0.00143) 0.00510 ***


Exposed × Context ×

High Visibility -0.365 ***

(0.125) -0.0560 ***

(0.0163) -0.0125 ***

(0.00427) -0.0123 ***

(0.00428) -0.0118 ***

(0.00451) -0.0120 ***

(0.00428) -0.0130 ***

(0.00395) -0.0144 ***


Female 0.0612***

(0.0196) 0.0146 ***


0.0136 ***

(0.00116) 0.0116 ***

(0.00119) 0.0117***

(0.00111) 0.0118 ***


Hours on Internet

(standardized) 0.0763 ***

(0.00964) 0.0414 ***


0.0126 ***

(0.000375) 0.0113 ***

(0.000344) 0.0110 ***

(0.000319) 0.0112 ***


Income (standardized) -0.0253**

(0.0100) -0.0366 ***


-0.00170 ***

(0.000476) -0.00194 ***

(0.000406) -0.00150 ***

(0.000372) -0.00199 ***


Age (standardized) -0.0671***

(0.00952) -0.0880 ***


-0.00435 ***

(0.000605) -0.00957 ***

(0.000568) -0.00893 ***

(0.000557) -0.00957 ***


Age, Income, Internet Use

Fixed Effects No No No Yes No No No No

Observations 102414 2464812 2464812 2464812 2443939 2464812 3196474 1943489

Log-Likelihood -40251.8 -4167674.1 -1063992.6 -1061035.0 -1193844.2 -1062349.5 -1380581.9 -856614.7

R-Squared N/A 0.200 0.140 0.142 0.136 0.141 0.142 0.140

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

+Based on a 5% sample of data to overcome computational limitations imposed by estimating fixed 13,000 fixed effects.



While the individual-level randomization of exposure to ads addresses the usual concerns

about unobserved heterogeneity at the individual level, our result for this negative interaction

between high visibility and contextual targeting relies on the assumption that contextually-

targeted highly visible ads are not of worse quality than either highly visible ads that are not

contextually-targeted or contextually-targeted ads that are not highly visible. This therefore

assumes that the endogeneity of advertising quality will not systematically affect our core result.

In Table 3 column (8), we explore the appropriateness of this assumption in our context. We look

only at ads that were run on more than one website and where the websites sometimes were

contextually targeted and sometimes not. Our core results do not change. Therefore, holding

campaign quality fixed, we still observe substitution between visibility and contextual targeting.

4.3 Economic implications

Section 4.2 establishes that our results are statistically robust to many specifications, but

we have yet not established that they are economically meaningful. First, we note that column

(1) of Table 2 suggests that seeing one plain banner ad once increases purchase intention by

0.473 percentage points. Relative to a price of 0.2 cents per view, this means that online

advertising pays off if increasing purchase intention to "very likely to purchase" is worth 42

cents to the firm (95% confidence interval 29 to 78 cents). Therefore, while the coefficient may

seem small, it suggests an economically important impact of online advertising. The effects of

targeted ads and obtrusive ads are even larger, though the prices of such ads are also higher.

We combine information from our data with various industry sources to develop "back-

of-the-envelope" calculations on the total magnitude of wasted advertising spending due to ads

that are both targeted and obtrusive. These estimates are all clearly rough; the purpose of this

subsection is simply to give a sense of the order of magnitude of the importance of our results.


In order to conduct this calculation, we require estimates of (a) the total size of online

display advertising spending, (b) the percentage of these campaigns that are both targeted and

obtrusive, (c) the cost of the targeted and obtrusive ads relative to plain banner ads, and (d) the

effectiveness of targeted and obtrusive ads relative to plain banner ads.

For (a) "total ad spending", we use Khan (2009)'s estimate that US firms spent $8.3

billion on online display advertising in 2009. For (b), we rely on the fact that in the data we study

6.4% of the campaigns are both targeted and obtrusive. Our dataset is the most commonly used

source in industry for information on trends in online display advertising. For (c), we use our

results on the relative effectiveness of plain banner ads and targeted and obtrusive ads in

columns (2) and (3) of Table 2 to derive estimates of their relative costs. We use these estimates

rather than actual industry costs because estimates vary widely about the relative cost of different

types of ads (as do the list prices websites provide to advertisers).7 Our estimates suggest that

advertisers should pay 74% more for high visibility ads (95% confidence interval 16%-197%)

and 54% (95% confidence interval -6%-147%) more for context-based ads. We conservatively

assume that ads that are both targeted and highly visible have the same premium as highly visible

ads (74%) relative to plain banner ads.8 For (d), we use our estimates from Table 2 to generate

the relative effectiveness of targeted and obtrusive ads relative to plain banner ads.

Combining these data suggests that 8% (95% confidence interval 7.9-9.2%) of total ad

spending, or $664 million, is being spent on campaigns that combine high visibility and

7 For example, Khan (2009) estimates the typical cost of a plain banner ad at $2 per 1000 impressions or 0.2 cents

per impression in 2009. Targeted ads and visible ads can cost much more. Confidential estimates from a large media

company report that banner prices on web properties that a llow contextual targeting are priced 10 times higher than

regular "run of the network" ads (Krauss et al 2008). Similarly, there are industry reports that basic video ads cost

four times as much as regular ads; premium ads cost as much as 18 times regular banner ads (Palumbo 2009).

8 Advertisers appear to pay a premium for ads that are both contextually targeted and highly visible. For example,

technologyreview.com, a website owned by MIT to distribute its research on technology, charges a price that is

already 35 times higher than average for 1000 impressions because it can attract technology advertisers who want to

advertise to technology professionals. Then, it charges a further 50% premium for advertisers who want to use video

or audio ads.


targeting. Because these ads are no more effective than standard banners, if advertisers replaced

redundantly targeted and visible ads with cheaper standard banner ads they could cut ad spending

by 5.3 percent (95% confidence interval 3.5%-7.4%) without affecting ad performance.

There are some obvious caveats to the validity of this number. Using the estimates in

Table 2 to calculate (c), the implied price premiu ms have the advantage of allowing us to provide

a range of statistical confidence, but these estimated price premiums are likely too low given

posted industry prices. Therefore, it is likely that we understate the cost savings. Second, while

our data are collected by a major advertising company on behalf of its clients and are the one of

the most used data sources for evaluating campaign performance in industry, it is not certain that

they are representative of the display advertising sector in general when we use these data to

project the fraction of campaigns that are targeted and obtrusive. This could bias the results in

either direction. Therefore, despite reporting confidence intervals, validity concerns may

overwhelm the reliability measures.

4.4 Underlying Mechanism

Having established the robustness of the result, we then explore the underlying

mechanism. We first rule out differences in ad recall. Specifically, one potential explanation for

why highly visible ads and contextually-targeted ads work poorly together is that highly visible

ads are less successful at distinguishing themselves if they appear next to similar content. For

example, a non-user-initiated video ad that is placed on a movie website may be less noticeable

there than if it is placed on a cooking site.

Table 4 reports the results of a specification similar to that in Table 2, but where the

dependent variable is whether or not the survey respondent said they could recall seeing the ad

on the website. Column (1) suggests that the effect of being exposed to the ad is larger for this


measure than in Table 2. This is unsurprising, as the effect is more direct; there is a 20 percent

increase from the baseline proportion remembering seeing the ad for people who saw the ad, as

compared to those who did not. Column (2) suggests that if an ad's content matches the website's

content, it is less likely to be recalled. So, contextually-targeted ads are associated with higher

purchase intent for the product, but people who see contextually-targeted ads are less likely to

recall those ads than are people who see other kinds of ads. This is consistent with findings in the

product placement literature (Russell 2002) that contextually appropriate ads can blend into the

content, reducing recall but increasing purchase intent. Column (3) is consistent with our prior

results: Visible ads are more likely to be recalled. Column (4) suggests that there is no significant

negative interaction between contextual targeting and high visibi lity for recall.

The difference in these results from Table 2 suggests that the combination of high

visibility and contextual targeting does not predominantly affect recall, but instead affects how

effective the ad is at persuading the consumer to change their purchase intent. Indeed, making

contextually-targeted ads too 'visible' seems to drive a wedge between the advertiser and the

consumer. One interpretation of this result is that contextually-targeted ads are not as directly

noticeable, and hence are viewed more favorably as background information; however, when

contextually-targeted ads are highly visible, they no longer blend into the underlying website.


Table 4: Influence of High Visibility and Contextual Targeting on Ad Recall

Dependent Variable: Respondent recalls seeing the advertisement

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Exposed 0.0458***

(0.00116) 0.0465 ***

(0.00126) 0.0410 ***

(0.00160) 0.0412 ***


Exposed × Context

-0.00665 **




Exposed ×

High Visibility

0.0104 ***

(0.00233) 0.0115 ***


Exposed × Context ×

High Visibility



Female -0.0230***

(0.00114) -0.0230 ***

(0.00114) -0.0230 ***

(0.00114) -0.0230 ***


Hours on Internet

(standardized) 0.0230 ***

(0.000425) 0.0230 ***

(0.000425) 0.0230 ***

(0.000425) 0.0230 ***


Income (standardized) -0.00260***

(0.000427) -0.00260 ***

(0.000427) -0.00260 ***

(0.000427) -0.00260 ***


Age (standardized) -0.0131***

(0.000586) -0.0131 ***

(0.000588) -0.0131 ***

(0.000586) -0.0131 ***


Observations 2481592 2481592 2481592 2481592

Log-Likelihood -1307660.5 -1307699.2 -1307704.8 -1307660.5

R-Squared 0.123 0.123 0.123 0.123

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

We next explore what drives the negative interaction between contextual targeting and

high visibility when purchase intent is the dependent variable. We show that privacy is an

important moderator, both in terms of whether the respondent is particularly sensitive to intrusive

behavior, and in terms of the nature of the product itself. This is consistent with highly visible

ads increasing consumer inferences of manipulative intent in targeted advertising (Campbell

1995; Friestad and Wright 1994; Kirmani and Zhu 2007).

We stratify our results by whether or not the respondent checked the box "I prefer not to

answer that question" when asked about income. As documented by Turrell (2000), people who


refuse to answer questions on income usually do so because of concerns about privacy. A

comparison between column (1) and column (2) of Table 5 shows that survey respondents who

do not respond to an intrusive question also display stronger substitution between contextually-

targeted and highly visible ads than other respondents. When contextual targeting is highly

visible, these respondents react negatively to the ads. Interestingly, privacy-minded people do

not react differently than others to ads that are highly visible or contextually-targeted but not

both. The estimates in column (2) suggest that these privacy-minded people respond positively to

high visibility ads so long as they are not also contextually-targeted. To assess the relative

significance of the estimates in these two columns, we also ran a specification where we pooled

the sample and included a four-way interaction between Exposed × Context Ad × High Visibility

and whether the person kept their income secret. The results are reported in full in Table A4.

This four-way interaction suggested that indeed there was a large and statistically significant

additional negative interaction for customers who kept their income secret.

In columns (3) through (6), we explored whether this potential role for intrusiveness as

an underlying mechanism was also echoed in the kind of products that were advertised. We

looked to see whether the effect was stronger or weaker in categories which are generally

considered to be personal or private.

Table 5: Privacy-sensitivity is associated with stronger substitution between contextual targeting and high visibility

Dependent Variable: Respondent very likely to purchase

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Does not




Income Private Not Private Health CPG Other CPG

Exposed 0.00391*

(0.00206) 0.00505 ***

(0.00116) 0.00184

(0.00288) 0.00517 ***

(0.00119) -0.00480

(0.00522) 0.00840 **


Exposed × Context 0.0102

(0.00669) 0.00916 ***

(0.00311) 0.0135 **

(0.00561) 0.00857 **

(0.00344) 0.0423 ***

(0.0100) 0.0135


Exposed × High Visibility 0.00643**

(0.00328) 0.00502 ***

(0.00168) 0.0102 **

(0.00464) 0.00480 ***

(0.00172) 0.0177 **

(0.00795) 0.0108 **


Exposed × Context ×

High Visibility -0.0214 **

(0.00932) -0.0101 **

(0.00466) -0.0274 ***

(0.00968) -0.00979 **

(0.00484) -0.0788 ***

(0.0186) -0.0168


Female 0.0128***

(0.00181) 0.0123 ***

(0.00124) 0.00922 **

(0.00367) 0.0119 ***

(0.00125) 0.0343 ***

(0.00641) 0.0652 ***


Hours on Internet

(standardized) 0.00750 ***

(0.000716) 0.0119 ***

(0.000376) 0.0101 ***

(0.000946) 0.0115 ***

(0.000369) 0.0125 ***

(0.00160) 0.0138 ***


Income (standardized) N/A

-0.00181 ***

(0.000407) -0.00126

(0.000944) -0.00201 ***

(0.000444) -0.00609 ***

(0.00166) -0.00644 ***


Age (standardized) -0.0112***

(0.000916) -0.00910 ***

(0.000568) -0.0120 ***

(0.00146) -0.00923 ***

(0.000615) -0.0195 ***

(0.00280) 0.00196


Coefficient on four-way

interaction in alternative



(0.00919) -0.0183 *

(0.0109) -0.0677 ***


Observations 390608 2074204 325376 2139436 114922 192609

Log-Likelihood -152023.4 -903402.0 -119800.1 -941137.4 -57285.5 -102271.0

R-Squared 0.157 0.143 0.145 0.139 0.139 0.146

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Full results for four-way interaction

specification on pooled data used to assess significance reported in Table A4.

In columns (3) and (4), we looked across all categories and identif ied several that are

clearly related to privacy. Specifically, these categories are Banking, Health, Health Services,

OTC Medications, Insurance, Investment, Mutual Funds, Retirement Funds, Loans, and Other

Financial Services. We identified health and financial products as categories where there may be

privacy concerns on the basis of two factors. First, Tsai et al (2010) offer survey evidence of

customers about which products they considered private, and confirm that health and financial

information are categories where privacy is particularly important. Second, actual privacy

policies tend to specify health and financial products as privacy-related. For example, Google's

privacy policy states that "Google will not associate sensitive interest categories with your

browser (such as those based on race, religion, sexual orientation, health, or sensitive financial

categories), and will not use such categories when showing you interest-based ads." Column (3)

includes the categories where privacy concerns are readily apparent; column (4) includes all

others. Substitution between visibility and contextual targeting is highest for categories related to

privacy. We estimated a four-way interaction specification that indicated that this incremental

negative effect is significant at the 10% level.

As noted in the information security and privacy literature (e.g. Kumaraguru and

Cranor's (2005) extensive survey results), consumers consider health information and use of

medications to be especially personal information, and something that should be protected

online. This is also echoed in the special protections given to health information in the European

Union data privacy law 2002/EC/58. In columns (5) and (6), we focus on health and look for

differences within a single category, in order to compare health-related products to other similar

products. Specifically, we compare estimates for over-the-counter medications to food-based

consumer packaged goods categories. The results again suggest that the substitution between


contextual targeting and high visibility was significantly larger for the privacy-related products.

The incremental negative effect is evaluated to be significant at the 1% level in a four-way

interaction specification.

5. Interpretation and Conclusion

Our study of 2,892 online display advertising campaigns across a variety of categories

and website yields three core conclusions:

First, we find that while obtrusive (or highly visible) online advertising and context-based

online advertising work relatively well independently, they appear to fail when combined. This

result is more pronounced in categories of products likely to be more private, and for people who

seem to guard their privacy more closely. This suggests that the ineffectiveness of combining

contextual targeting and obtrusiveness in advertising is driven by consumers' perceptions of

privacy. Consumers may be willing to tolerate contextually-targeted ads more than other ads

because they potentially provide information; however, making such ads obtrusive in nature may

increase perceptions of manipulation (Campbell 1995). When privacy concerns are salient, a

prevention focus may increase sensitivity to manipulative intent of the targeted ads (Kirmani and

Zhu 2007). This suggests a role for privacy concerns in models that optimize advertising content

in data-rich environments by minimizing viewer avoidance (e.g. Kempe and Wilbur 2009).

Second, the result that contextually-targeted ads work at least as well if they do not have

features designed to enhance their visibility can help to explain the unexpected success of

products such as AdSense by Google. It also explains why online advertising is becoming

increasingly divided between plain text-based highly targeted ads, and more visually striking but

less targeted ads. The results also suggest more generally the importance of more nuanced

empirical models for advertising success. Not only is it important to separately model how ads


affect awareness and preferences, but is also important to include controls for the features and

placement of ads in such specifications.

Third, our findings on privacy and intrusiveness have policy implications for the direction

of government policy. There is mounting pressure in the US and Europe to regulate the use of

data on browsing behavior to target advertising (Shatz 2009). Our research suggests that

regulators may need to consider a potential trade-off from such regulation. If regulation is

successful at reducing the amount of targeting that a firm can do by using a customer's browsing

behavior, then firms may find it optimal to invest instead in highly obtrusive ads. Customers may

dislike having data collected about their browsing behavior, but they have also expressed dislike

of highly visible ads in surveys (Chan, Dobb, and Stevens 2004). Therefore, regulators should

weigh these two potential sources of customer resistance towards advertising against each other.

As with any empirical work, this paper has a number of limitations which present

opportunities for future research. First, we rely on stated expressions of purchase intent and not

actual purchase data. It is possible that the type of advertising used may have a different effect on

actual purchases. Second, we present evidence that suggests that the negative effect of

combining both visibility and targeting is more pronounced in situations where privacy is

important, but there are still further questions about what other triggers of privacy concerns there

may be for ad viewers. In general in academic marketing research, there have been few studies

about how customer privacy concerns are triggered and what the implications are for firms. This

study highlights the need for a better understanding of the behavioral processes that generate

consumer privacy concerns. Third, we look only at targeting of ads based on the customer's

current website browsing patterns. We do not look at reactions to ads that are targeted on the

basis of past browsing behavior, though these ads have become very controversial in recent


discussions at the Federal Communications Commission. Given the growing commercial

importance of behavioral targeting, this is an area where academic research could potentially

help answer questions both about the usefulness of such ads and how customer perceive and

react to being targeted by ads in this way.

More generally, we think there are several promising avenues for research to build on our

findings. First, while there is a formal theoretical literature that discusses behavioral targeting of

pricing and its implications for privacy (e.g. Acquisti and Varian 2005; Chen, Narasimhan, and

Zhang 2001; Fudenberg and Villas-Boas 2006; Hermalin and Katz 2006; Hui and Png 2006), the

literature on behavioral targeting of advertising remains sparse. What are the benefits of such

targeting? What are the costs? How can we formalize the concept of privacy in the context of

behaviorally targeted advertising? Second, it would be interesting to explore how our findings on

privacy apply to websites where visitors reveal detailed personal information, such as social

networking websites. Are visitors to such sites more aware of manipulation attempts? Is there a

way to leverage the social network and overcome perceptions of manipulative intent? This latter

question may apply to all online advertising settings. Once we have a richer formal theoretical

framework for understanding how behavioral targeting and privacy concerns interact, we will

develop a better understanding of when it is appropriate to target the increasingly visible ads

generated by advances in online advertising design.


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Appendix: Further Robustness Checks

Table A1: Replicates Table 2 with continuous scale

Dependent Variable: Purchase intent (scale of 1-5 where 5 is highest)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Exposed 0.0220***

(0.00512) 0.0265 ***

(0.00475) 0.0332 ***

(0.00355) 0.0353 ***


Exposed × Context Ad 0.0455***


0.0204 **


Exposed ×

High Visibility Ad 0.0263 ***

(0.00679) 0.0206 ***


Exposed × Context ×

High Visibility -0.0560 ***


Female 0.0146***

(0.00519) 0.0146 ***

(0.00519) 0.0147 ***

(0.00519) 0.0147 ***


Hours on Internet

(standardized) 0.0414 ***

(0.00123) 0.0414 ***

(0.00123) 0.0414 ***

(0.00123) 0.0414 ***


Income (standardized) -0.0366***

(0.00169) -0.0366 ***

(0.00169) -0.0366 ***

(0.00169) -0.0366 ***


Age (standardized) -0.0880***

(0.00259) -0.0880 ***

(0.00259) -0.0880 ***

(0.00260) -0.0880 ***


Observations 2464812 2464812 2464812 2464812

Log-Likelihood -4167674.1 -4167687.8 -4167696.0 -4167700.9

R-Squared 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01


Table A2: Replicates Table 3 with continuous scale

Dependent Variable: Purchase intent (scale of 1-5 where 5 is highest)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)








Opinion No Pop-

Ups Multiply

Treated Only ads that

appear on both

matched and


context websites

Exposed 0.0225***

(0.00507) 0.0236 ***

(0.00299) 0.0229 ***

(0.00444) 0.0220 ***

(0.00509) 0.0253 ***

(0.00446) 0.0251 ***


Exposed×Context Ad 0.0461***

(0.0108) 0.0208***

(0.00784) 0.0433 ***

(0.0110) 0.0443 ***

(0.0108) 0.0509 ***

(0.0109) 0.0450 ***


Exposed×High VisibilityAd 0.0253***

(0.00674) 0.0134 ***

(0.00443) 0.0255 ***

(0.00602) 0.0265 ***

(0.00679) 0.0227 ***

(0.00597) 0.0228 ***



HighVisibility -0.0555 ***

(0.0162) -0.0371 ***

(0.0118) -0.0425 ***

(0.0161) -0.0537 ***

(0.0162) -0.0564 ***

(0.0152) -0.0577 ***



0.0370 ***

(0.00305) 0.0173 ***

(0.00470) 0.0146 ***

(0.00519) 0.0152 ***

(0.00489) 0.0146 ***


Hours on Internet


0.0266 ***

(0.00101) 0.0411 ***

(0.00114) 0.0414 ***

(0.00123) 0.0404 ***

(0.00114) 0.0422 ***


Income (standardized)

-0.0154 ***

(0.00133) -0.0364 ***

(0.00156) -0.0366 ***

(0.00169) -0.0336 ***

(0.00166) -0.0363 ***


Age (standardized)

-0.0108 ***

(0.00182) -0.0869 ***

(0.00233) -0.0880 ***

(0.00259) -0.0864 ***

(0.00250) -0.0848 ***


Age, Income, Internet Use

Fixed Effects Yes No No No No No

Observations 2464812 2443939 2932278 2464812 3196474 1976180

Log-Likelihood -4165117.9 -3488010.7 -4958771.8 -4167674.3 -5409175.6 -3348518.8

R-Squared 0.202 0.156 0.202 0.200 0.202 0.200

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01


Table A3: Replicates Table 5 with continuous scale

Dependent Variable: Purchase intent (scale of 1-5 where 5 is highest)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Not Reveal Reveals Income Private Not Private Health CPG Other CPG

Exposed 0.0187**

(0.00846) 0.0233 ***

(0.00510) 0.0257 ***

(0.00585) 0.00472

(0.00856) -0.00343

(0.0202) 0.0444 ***


Exposed×Context Ad 0.0533**

(0.0236) 0.0440 ***

(0.0114) 0.0446 ***

(0.0133) 0.0563 ***

(0.0174) 0.117 ***

(0.0301) 0.0705



High Visibility Ad 0.0357 ***

(0.0126) 0.0234 ***

(0.00688) 0.0276 ***

(0.00761) 0.0185

(0.0138) 0.0449

(0.0276) 0.0275



High Visibility -0.0912 ***

(0.0341) -0.0473 ***

(0.0174) -0.0588 ***

(0.0187) -0.0505

(0.0350) -0.245 ***

(0.0686) -0.0552


Female 0.0295***

(0.00711) 0.0168 ***

(0.00545) 0.0227 ***

(0.00581) -0.0230 **

(0.0114) 0.0755 **

(0.0314) 0.182 ***


Hours on Internet

(standardized) 0.0292 ***

(0.00265) 0.0428 ***

(0.00133) 0.0416 ***

(0.00137) 0.0398 ***

(0.00284) 0.0491 ***

(0.00526) 0.0542 ***


Income (standardized) N/A

-0.0368 ***

(0.00169) -0.0379 ***

(0.00192) -0.0302 ***

(0.00344) -0.0452 ***

(0.00653) -0.0483 ***


Age (standardized) -0.107***

(0.00399) -0.0830 ***

(0.00252) -0.0794 ***

(0.00289) -0.130 ***

(0.00545) -0.128 ***

(0.0120) -0.0458 ***


Observations 390608 2074204 2038776 426036 114922 192609

Log-Likelihood -655863.6 -3504391.6 -3466766.5 -699515.4 -195107.6 -335447.4

R-Squared 0.219 0.202 0.176 0.285 0.177 0.164

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01


Table A4: Four-way interaction specification

Dependent Variable: Purchase Intent (Indicator for Very Likely to make a Purchase)

(1) (2) (3)

Does not






CPG only

Exposed 0.00882***

(0.00113) 0.00515 ***

(0.00119) 0.00860 **


Exposed×Context Ad 0.00529*

(0.00314) 0.00846 **

(0.00343) 0.0133


Exposed×High Visibility Ad 0.00112

(0.00166) 0.00486 ***

(0.00171) 0.0107**


Exposed×Context Ad×

High Visibility Ad -0.00631

(0.00465) -0.00958 **

(0.00483) -0.0161


Female 0.0122***

(0.00123) 0.0117***

(0.00123) 0.0571 ***


Std. Weekly Hours on Internet 0.0111***

(0.000355) 0.0113 ***

(0.000356) 0.0137 ***


Std. Income -0.00171 ***

(0.000415) -0.00182 ***

(0.000418) -0.00632 ***


Std. Age -0.00959***

(0.000588) -0.00953 ***

(0.000589) -0.00401 **


Exposed×Income Secret -0.0253***


Exposed×Context Ad×Income Secret 0.0257***


Exposed×High Visibility

Ad×Income Secret 0.0266 ***


Exposed×Context Ad×

High Visiblity×Income Secret -0.0369 ***


Exposed×Private Site



Exposed×Context Ad×Private Site



Exposed×High Visibility Ad×

Private Site



Exposed×Context Ad×

High Visiblity×Private Site

-0.0183 *


Exposed×Health CPG

-0.0135 **


Exposed×Context Ad×Health CPG

0.0294 *


Exposed×High Visibility Ad×

Health CPG



Exposed×Context Ad×

High Visibility× Health CPG

-0.0677 ***


Observations 2464812 2464812 290982

Log-Likelihood -1061852.2 -1062304.4 -150500.1

R-Squared 0.141 0.141 0.148

Fixed effects at ad-site level; Robust standard errors, clustered at ad-site level, * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Numerous lower-order interactions not involving exposure included but not reported.

... These risks usually generate headlines in the "catchy" form of data breaches -when data are revealed to have been accessed by others who are not supposed to be able to. But in addition to these extreme breaches of trust and data, people are increasingly aware that invasions of privacy can also be felt when presented with unsolicited offerings and ads that are seemingly out-of-context (Nissenbaum, 2009), have questionable resources of information have unclear or offending reasons to target us (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2011). ...

... However, this also generated a spiraling number of unsolicited offers to purchase items that we may not want or need (although marketers note an illuminating counterfactual: that, without such targeting, we may receive even more such unsolicited offers, for items that suit us less well). It may also create the feeling of being tracked, leading to negative emotions towards the brand, product, or medium through which the ad was delivered, and may decrease purchase intent (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2011;Kim et al., 2019). Nissenbaum (2019), in the context of ads on websites, found that customers deem a non-acceptable flow of information as either (1) obtained from another source, or (2) inferred by the website, and not directly provided by the customer. ...

  • Dana Turjeman

We create troves of data with nearly every step we take, every button we click, and every query we submit. These data can be used to cater to us with services that better align with our desires. They can help us locate restaurants matching our tastes, build up social networks with individuals sharing similar characteristics, find a soul mate or distant relative, attain financial goals, detect our health conditions, and potentially assist in developing individualized medicine. However, misuse of the data can induce us to buy things we don't need, offer us things that might harm our health, lead to an addiction, or even imprison us in the absence of wrongdoing. These data might also be breached, causing harm to us and our loved ones with revelations we might have never shared with the world. In this dissertation, in a series of three chapters, I detect opportunities and propose approaches to reduce the potential risks and leverage the benefits of data collection and data usage. I first analyze users' reactions to the data breach in a matchmaking website, exploring their engagement changes and potentially insufficient behaviors in privacy protection following the breach. I then plot how years of data collection in the Marketing realm and other business domains have led to great improvements to our lives, but have also introduced harms -- some of which are are still likely awaiting revelation. I discuss potential avenues for improving the benefits of the vast data we all create, while reducing the risks associated with those data. Finally, I explicitly develop one of these solutions -- a privacy preserving data fusion methodology -- intended to securely combine datasets while reducing the risks of de-identification. This dissertation, I hope, will serve as a steppingstone towards making the Marketing domain a safer zone in terms of privacy preservation. Marketing efforts were a major driver towards vast data collection and the associated benefits and harms; the marketing domain can now drive the efforts to further improve the benefits and reduce those harms.

... In the context of online advertising, some relevant research in Marketing has studied how the use of personal information in targeting relates to issues of transparency and privacy (e.g., ) [53,54,55,51,23]). While this literature generally focuses on which information a firm relied upon when targeting customers, we focus on the complementary question of how this information should be presented to users in explanations. ...

Explaining firm decisions made by algorithms in customer-facing applications is increasingly required by regulators and expected by customers. While the emerging field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has mainly focused on developing algorithms that generate such explanations, there has not yet been sufficient consideration of customers' preferences for various types and formats of explanations. We discuss theoretically and study empirically people's preferences for explanations of algorithmic decisions. We focus on three main attributes that describe automatically-generated explanations from existing XAI algorithms (format, complexity, and specificity), and capture differences across contexts (online targeted advertising vs. loan applications) as well as heterogeneity in users' cognitive styles. Despite their popularity among academics, we find that counterfactual explanations are not popular among users, unless they follow a negative outcome (e.g., loan application was denied). We also find that users are willing to tolerate some complexity in explanations. Finally, our results suggest that preferences for specific (vs. more abstract) explanations are related to the level at which the decision is construed by the user, and to the deliberateness of the user's cognitive style.

... Online convex optimization is a promising learning framework for modeling sequential tasks and has important applications in online binary classification (Crammer et al., 2006), online display advertising (Goldfarb & Tucker, 2011), etc. It has been studied since the 1990's (Cesa-Bianchi et al., 1996;Gentile & Warmuth, 1999;Gordon, 1999;Zinkevich, 2003;Hazan et al., 2007;Agarwal et al., 2010;Shalev-Shwartz, 2012;Jadbabaie et al., 2015;Hazan, 2016;Zhang et al., 2018b;2020;Zhang, 2020). ...

This paper considers online convex optimization with long term constraints, where constraints can be violated in intermediate rounds, but need to be satisfied in the long run. The cumulative constraint violation is used as the metric to measure constraint violations, which excludes the situation that strictly feasible constraints can compensate the effects of violated constraints. A novel algorithm is first proposed and it achieves an $\mathcal{O}(T^{\max\{c,1-c\}})$ bound for static regret and an $\mathcal{O}(T^{(1-c)/2})$ bound for cumulative constraint violation, where $c\in(0,1)$ is a user-defined trade-off parameter, and thus has improved performance compared with existing results. Both static regret and cumulative constraint violation bounds are reduced to $\mathcal{O}(\log(T))$ when the loss functions are strongly convex, which also improves existing results. %In order to bound the regret with respect to any comparator sequence, In order to achieve the optimal regret with respect to any comparator sequence, another algorithm is then proposed and it achieves the optimal $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T(1+P_T)})$ regret and an $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ cumulative constraint violation, where $P_T$ is the path-length of the comparator sequence. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.

... Online advertising [5,7] is a marketing strategy utilizing the Internet as a medium to help advertisers attract target audiences and conversions via Real-Time Biding (RTB). E-commercial sponsored search is a mainstream form of online advertising, for advertisers to promote their products or services. ...

  • Ziyu Guan Ziyu Guan
  • Hongchang Wu
  • Qingyu Cao
  • Bo Zheng

Bid optimization for online advertising from single advertiser's perspective has been thoroughly investigated in both academic research and industrial practice. However, existing work typically assume competitors do not change their bids, i.e., the wining price is fixed, leading to poor performance of the derived solution. Although a few studies use multi-agent reinforcement learning to set up a cooperative game, they still suffer the following drawbacks: (1) They fail to avoid collusion solutions where all the advertisers involved in an auction collude to bid an extremely low price on purpose. (2) Previous works cannot well handle the underlying complex bidding environment, leading to poor model convergence. This problem could be amplified when handling multiple objectives of advertisers which are practical demands but not considered by previous work. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-objective cooperative bid optimization formulation called Multi-Agent Cooperative bidding Games (MACG). MACG sets up a carefully designed multi-objective optimization framework where different objectives of advertisers are incorporated. A global objective to maximize the overall profit of all advertisements is added in order to encourage better cooperation and also to protect self-bidding advertisers. To avoid collusion, we also introduce an extra platform revenue constraint. We analyze the optimal functional form of the bidding formula theoretically and design a policy network accordingly to generate auction-level bids. Then we design an efficient multi-agent evolutionary strategy for model optimization. Offline experiments and online A/B tests conducted on the Taobao platform indicate both single advertiser's objective and global profit have been significantly improved compared to state-of-art methods.

... In online e-commerce, the advertising platform is an intermediary to help advertisers deliver their products to interested users [18]. Auction mechanisms, such as Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction [34], Myerson auction [28] and generalized second-price auction (GSP) [14], have been used to enable efficient ad allocation in various advertising scenarios. ...

  • Xiangyu Liu
  • Chuan Yu
  • Zhilin Zhang
  • Xiaoqiang Zhu Xiaoqiang Zhu

In e-commerce advertising, it is crucial to jointly consider various performance metrics, e.g., user experience, advertiser utility, and platform revenue. Traditional auction mechanisms, such as GSP and VCG auctions, can be suboptimal due to their fixed allocation rules to optimize a single performance metric (e.g., revenue or social welfare). Recently, data-driven auctions, learned directly from auction outcomes to optimize multiple performance metrics, have attracted increasing research interests. However, the procedure of auction mechanisms involves various discrete calculation operations, making it challenging to be compatible with continuous optimization pipelines in machine learning. In this paper, we design \underline{D}eep \underline{N}eural \underline{A}uctions (DNAs) to enable end-to-end auction learning by proposing a differentiable model to relax the discrete sorting operation, a key component in auctions. We optimize the performance metrics by developing deep models to efficiently extract contexts from auctions, providing rich features for auction design. We further integrate the game theoretical conditions within the model design, to guarantee the stability of the auctions. DNAs have been successfully deployed in the e-commerce advertising system at Taobao. Experimental evaluation results on both large-scale data set as well as online A/B test demonstrated that DNAs significantly outperformed other mechanisms widely adopted in industry.

... The design of data markets has attracted a significant amount of interest in recent years. There is growing body of work studying a variety of aspects of data markets, including monetizing information via either dynamic sales or optimal mechanisms, e.g., Babaioff et al. [2012], Hörner and Skrzypacz [2016], exploiting personal information to improve allocation of resources in online markets, e.g., Goldfarb and Tucker [2011], Bergemann and Bonatti [2015], Montes et al. [2019], optimal acquisition of information, e.g., Roth and Schoenebeck [2012], , Chen and Zheng [2019]. For a recent survey see Bergemann and Bonatti [2019] and the references therein. ...

While users claim to be concerned about privacy, often they do little to protect their privacy in their online actions. One prominent explanation for this "privacy paradox" is that when an individual shares her data, it is not just her privacy that is compromised; the privacy of other individuals with correlated data is also compromised. This information leakage encourages oversharing of data and significantly impacts the incentives of individuals in online platforms. In this paper, we study the design of mechanisms for data acquisition in settings with information leakage and verifiable data. We design an incentive compatible mechanism that optimizes the worst-case trade-off between bias and variance of the estimation subject to a budget constraint, where the worst-case is over the unknown correlation between costs and data. Additionally, we characterize the structure of the optimal mechanism in closed form and study monotonicity and non-monotonicity properties of the marketplace.

  • Akshay Raju Tandava
  • Ms. Vaishnavi Tiwadi
  • Mr. Raman Dayama

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital media. Digital marketing has gained full momentum due to technology revolution and sophisticated mobile technologies and as well as due to reasonable data prices. Marketers started different strategies like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Data analytics to reach the customers in a better and speedy way. The present study mainly highlights about different digital marketing components taken care of by the marketers for better customer reach and influence. The study is purely conducted with the help of secondary data. KEYWORDS: Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, search results

  • Xinyu Chen
  • Jian Sun
  • Hongyan Liu

Information technology and e‐commerce enable websites to provide personalized services based on consumer information, thereby providing convenience to consumers. However, the collection and use of consumer information may trigger concerns regarding privacy invasion. Grounded in exchange theory, the current study constructs a framework that links web personalization to consumer decisions (i.e., website loyalty and purchase intention) through consumer trust and reactance. The study also uses reactance theory as the theoretical basis to examine the moderating role of privacy concerns. An online survey was used to assess the effect of web personalization on consumer loyalty. The results show that consumers' privacy concerns negatively moderate the relationship between web personalization and website loyalty, and the influencing mechanism differs according to the levels of privacy concerns. More specifically, when consumers are less concerned about privacy, web personalization strengthens consumer trust to enhance loyalty. When consumers are more concerned about privacy, web personalization affects their loyalty through psychological reactance. The study findings show that although personalized services provide convenience to consumers, websites should carefully consider consumers' privacy issues. The trade‐off between web personalization and privacy concerns is necessary for a website's success.

In response to the concerns of global data-driven disruption in marketing, this qualitative study explores the issues and challenges, which could unlock the potential of marketing analytics. This might pave the way, not only for academia–practitioner gap mitigation but also for a better human-centric understanding of utilising the technologically disruptive marketing trends, rather making them a foe. The plethora of marketing issues and challenges were distilled into 45 segments, and a detailed tabulation of the significant ones has been depicted for analysis and discussion. Furthermore, the conceptually thick five literary containers were developed, by coupling the constructs as per similarity in their categorical nature and connections. The 'ethical issues and legality' was identified as on the top, which provided literary comprehension and managerial implication for marketing analytics conceptualisation in the fourth industrial revolution era.

  • Albert C. Bemmaor

The author develops a probabilistic model that converts stated purchase intents into purchase probabilities. The model allows heterogeneity between nonintenders and intenders with respect to their probability to switch to a new "true" purchase intent after the survey, thereby capturing the typical discrepancy between overall mean purchase intent and subsequent proportion of buyers (bias). When the probability to switch of intenders is larger (smaller) than that of nonintenders, the overall mean purchase intent overestimates (underestimates) the proportion of buyers. As special cases, the author derives upper and lower bounds on proportions of buyers from purchase intents data and shows the consistency of those bounds with observed behavior, except in predictable cases such as new products and business markets. However, a straightforward modification of the model deals with new product purchase forecasts.

  • Chang-Hoan Cho
  • Hongsik John Cheon

This study was designed ca provide insights into why people avoid advertising on the Internet. Recent negative trends in Internet advertising, such a.s "banner blindness" and extremely low click-through rates, make it imperative to study various factors affecting Internee ad avoidance. Accordingly, this study builds a comprehensive theoretical model explaining advertising avoidance on the Internet, We examined three latent variables of Internet ad avoidance: perceived goal impediment, perceived ad clutter, and prior negative experience. We found that these constructs successfully explain why people cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally avoid advertising messages on the Internet. Perceived goal impediment Is found to be the most significant antecedent explaining advertising avoidance on the Internet.

A randomized experiment performed in cooperation between Yahoo! and a major retailer allows us to measure the effects of online advertising on sales. We exploit a match of over one million customers between the databases of Yahoo! and the retailer, assigning them to treatment and control groups for an online advertising campaign for this retailer and then measuring each individual's weekly sales at this retailer, both online and in stores. By combining a controlled experiment with panel data on purchases, we find statistically and economically significant impacts of the advertising on sales. The treatment effect persists for weeks after the end of an advertising campaign, and we estimate the total effect on revenues to be more than eleven times the retailer's expenditure on advertising during the study. Additional results explore differences in the number of advertising impressions delivered to each individual, age and gender demographics, online and offline sales, and the effects of advertising on those who click the ads versus those who merely view them. Our results provide the best measurements to date of the effectiveness of image advertising on sales, and we shed light on important questions about online advertising in particular.

  • Oliver Rutz Oliver Rutz
  • Randolph E. Bucklin

This paper investigates how exposure to Internet display advertising affects the subsequent choices users make of brand-specific pages to view within a website. Using individual-level clickstream data from a third-party automotive website, we tracked the web pages selected by users as they browsed the site and their exposures to premium placement display ads for different vehicle makes (e.g., Ford, Toyota). Pages on the site were classified into those that displayed information about a specific vehicle make (a "make page") versus those that did not (a "non-make page"). For each "make-page" viewed, the specific automotive make selected (e.g., Ford, Toyota) was also recorded. We use these data to develop a model of users' make-specific page choices as a function of prior banner ad exposure on the site. Consumer heterogeneity is captured using a Bayesian Mixture approach. We find that banner ads influence subsequent choices of which make-specific pages to view for ads, served during the current browsing session but not for ads served in previous sessions. The effect of banner ads is also segmented: users in one segment (54%) reacted positively, users in a second segment (46%) were not influenced. Using a standard continuous approach to heterogeneity, we would have concluded–incorrectly–that banner advertising has no effect on the subsequent selection of make-specific pages. For the positively reacting segment, we estimate that the elasticity of make-page choice with respect to banner ad exposure is just under 0.2. Users in this segment appear less focused in their site browsing behavior and tend to stay longer than users in the non-reacting segment.

  • David Johnson David Johnson
  • James C. Creech

Using simulated data and a multiple indicator approach, examines the problems that surround categorization error. Results indicate that while categorization error does produce distortions in multiple indicator models, under most of the conditions explored, the bias was not sufficient to alter substantive interpretations and the estimates were efficient.-from Authors